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Moscow mayer Sobyanin opens Technopark metro station
Technopark is an interesting station by many reasons. The station was envisioned during soviet era but was only completed today. The architectural style is also very unique with an extensive use of glass and metal. Passenger gates UT-2000.9 designed by CJSC ELSY are made in similar lite-techno style.

Construction team has experienced substantial difficulties with a permission to work only during night/off peak hours. Newly built station will soon become a part of larger interchange hub called ZIL. Passengers will be able to switch from metro line to Moscow Circular railway or multiple buses.

Station platforms are connected by pedestrian bridge that allows travellers to get to business park Negation-iLand and one of the main Moscow streets - Andropov avenue. Fare gates allow passengers to pay for journey with a contactless bank cards with PayPass / PayWave technology that would be especially convenient for tourists who are moving around the city. When construction of amusement park in Nagatinskaya flood-plain will be completed, Technopark metro station will be connected to it by a glass footpath that will make it a new architectural attraction.
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